Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim |
Dr Khalifa Abdul Hakim (1896-1959) was a reputed thinker, philosopher and poet who authored twelve books and translated four from English and German. As a thinker he presented Allama Iqbal’s thoughts admirably in his works as well as Mirza Ghalib’s intellectual legacy. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi was also his special area of interest not only for his doctorate from Heidelberg University but also for Hakim’s several books and articles. His spiritual association with Hafiz Shirazi is interesting. The subject of his writings were varied with special interests in Islamic ideology and its implications for contemporary issues.
In 1918 Dr Khalifa Abdul Hakim was appointed one of the founder Professors of Osmania University Hyderabad Deccan. He retired in 1949 as Head of the Philosophy Department and Dean Faculty of Arts. From 1943-46 he served on deputation at Srinagar Kashmir as Principal Amarsingh College and Director of Education. From 1949-59 he was founder Director Institute of Islamic Culture. During this period his and colleagues’ written scholarship promoted the cause of progressive and universal values of Islam. During these years he was awarded and Honorary degree of LL.D by University of the Punjab Lahore. He toured extensively for lectures in the USA and attended several national and international conferences. His contribution towards Muslim Family Laws Commission, Zakat Commission, promotion of Urdu Litertaure and as an official language are recognised. Two doctoral theses as well as two Masters level theses are devoted to his life and work.
Ever year a Memorial lecture is organised in collaboration with the Institute of Islamic Culture where scholars present lectures related to religious, literary and philosophical themes. Among Dr Hakim' several literary contemporaries are Allama Iqbal, Ahmad Shah Bokhari (Patras), Dr Raziuddin Siddiqui, Prof Hamed Ahmad Khan, Prof Yusuf Hussain Khan, Syed Mohammad Abdulla and Sarojni Naido.